The combo of hot actor Suriya and mass filmmaker Hari has always worked wonders at the box office. Both Suriya and Hari have churned out big hits like Aaru, Vel and Singam. In fact, it was Aaru which brought out a different dimension of Suriya.
According to reliable sources, the two will be combining professionally for a high action masala film. Insiders reveal that Hari has written a script which has a gangster subject and his first choice for the protagonist was Suriya. Apparently, when Suriya heard the one-line script summary, he immediately decided to sign on.
Another report doing the rounds is that Bollywood sizzler Katrina Kaif might be roped in as Suriya’s love interest. It may be recalled that the gorgeous Katrina was offered the earlier Suriya-Hari venture Singam, but her busy B’Town schedule didn’t leave her time for the project.
Presently Suriya is busy with 7 Aum Arivu and then he will move on to Maatraan with K.V. Anand. Hari will also complete his current film Vengai and then will start fine-tuning the script for Suriya’s film.

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